MILKAS-konferensen - Innehåll | |
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Program |
- | Pressmeddelande - Statement on russian baltic nuclear power plant |
- | Pressmeddelande - Osäkerheten kring den svenska metoden för slutlagring |
- | Lasse Karlssons blogg |
- | Artikel i Ny Teknik - Miljörörelsen: Vänta med slutförvaret! |
- | Artikel i Miljömagasinet från konferensen |
- | Hälsning från Toby & Cheryl Hall |
- | Shaft ASSE II – a pilot project for nuclear waste storage in a mine shaft / the research mine for nuclear waste storage |
Presentationer: | |
- 1) Increased leukemias near nuclear power stations / Ian Fairlie | |
- 2) Longer hotter dirtier-risks increasing nuclear fuel burn-up / Lauri Myllyvirta | |
- 3) Nuclear future - weapons / Ulla Klötzer | |
- 4) Final Repository Morsleben (Germany) / Falk Beyers | |
- 5) Nuclear Waste: The Unresolved Environmental Issue / Johan Swan MKG | |
- 6) Wasting our Future / David Lowry | |
-7) Nuclear wastes is one on the main problem / Véronique Marchandier |
inbjuder till en internationell konferens 17-18 oktober 2009 om
Plats: Hotell Scandic Foresta Lidingö, alldeles utanför Stockholm
Lördag 17 oktober | ||
09.30 - 10.00 | Välkommen och fika | |
10.00 - 11.00 | ASSE II - skandalomsusad avfallsförvaring i Tyskland – Morsleben – så löste DDR avfallsproblemet, Falk Beyer, aktivist och författare, Tyskland | |
11.00 - 11.15 | Även Frankrike har avfallsproblem - Veronique Merchandier, Sortier de Nucléaire, Frankrike | |
11.15 - 11.45 | Paus | |
11.45 - 12.15 | Utsläpp till luft och vatten - Dr Ian Fairlie, UK | |
12 15 - 13.15 | Lunch | |
13.15 - 13.45 | Medicinska effekter av joniserande strålning - Ulla Slama. läkare, Finland | |
13.45 - 14.15 | Gubbväldet inom kärnkraftsindustrin - Ewa Larsson, ordförande i Gröna Kvinnor | |
14.15 - 14.45 | Uran - inte enbart gruvdrift - Gordon Edwards, professor, Kanada | |
14.45 - 16.30 | Fika och grupparbeten (se nedan) | |
16.30 - 17.30 | Redovisning och diskussion | |
18.00 - 19.00 | Besök på Millesgården | |
20.00 | Middag/Foresta | |
Söndag 18 oktober | ||
09.00 - 09.30 | Fika | |
09.30 - 10.00 | CLAB (Centrallagret för använt kärnbränsle) - Roland Davidsson, SERO, Sverige | |
10.00 - 10.30 | DU, Depleted Uranium i vapen – Aktionsgruppen mot Radioaktiv Krigsföring, Sverige | |
10.30 - 11.00 | Paus | |
11.00 - 11.30 | Högaktivt avfall från EPR (European Pressure Reactor) - Lauri Myllyvirto, Greenpeace, Finland | |
11.30 - 12.00 | Avfall i UK - David Lowry, ph dr, UK | |
12.00 - 12.30 | Högaktivt avfall, Djupförvar - Johan Swahn, Tekn.dr MKG, Sverige | |
12.30 - 13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30 - 14.00 | Högaktivt avfall, DRD-metoden (Dry Rock Deposit) - Nils-Axel Mörner, docent, Sverige | |
14.00 - 14.30 | Avfall i Ryssland - Andrey Ozharovskiy, Ecodefence, Moskva | |
14.30 - 15.00 | Kärnmedicinska problem - Elisa Rappe ARK | |
15.00 - 15.30 | Kärnvapen/Strålande framtid - Ulla Klötzer, Finland | |
15.30 - | Presskonferens/Fika | |
16.00 - 17.00 | Paneldiskussion – frågestund |
Workshops: 1. Internationellt samarbete om radioaktivt avfall, 2. Uranbrytningens konsekvenser för ursprungsfolken 3. Strålningens medicinska effekter 4. Övriga aspekter på avfallet
Konferensspråk: engelska
Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner,
Gröna Kvinnor,
Statement from the International Conference Nuclear Waste Problems
Stockholm, Sweden, October 17-18 2009 adopted by the over 50 participants
from 11 countries
We are deeply concerned about the Baltic nuclear plant project proposed by Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear corporation, in the Kaliningrad region near the Lithuania/European Union border .
The proposed VVER-1200 reactor is based on old Soviet technology from the 1960s that does not meet modern safety requirements and lacks many of the safety features of reactors under construction in Europe. Rosatom’s environmental impact assessment does not specify what technology will be used to dispose of the nuclear waste. It is widely known that the nuclear industry worldwide has not been able to come up with a safe and reliable technology for the disposal of nuclear waste produced over the last 60 years. How the reactor will be dismantled after it is retired from use and if it will be dismantled at all or just left near the European border as a huge nuclear waste dumping site also remains an unanswered question.
Another concern is the lack of democratic decision making. According to Russian environmental groups, many local citizens opposed to the project were not allowed to take part in official public hearings, while public access to documentation on Baltic NPP was complicated. "Rosatom" officials were distributing wrong facts on the eve of public hearings to falsify public opinion. A number of mass-media cooperating with nuclear industry organized massive' slander campaign against environmentalists opposed to the Baltic NPP.
Though the proposed location of the Baltic NPP is near the border with the EU, Rosatom has not organized public hearings in neighboring countries. Independent experts have had the opportunity to do an alternative assessment of the project.
We insist that implementation of the Baltic NPP project be stopped until an independent international assessment has been carried out with the participation of experts from neighboring countries (especially Poland and Lithuania). New, just and international public hearings must be conducted not only in Kaliningrad region but also in countries which have a common border with this Russian region.
For more information contact: EcoDefense Kaliningrad +79114732730, +79632988758,, In, mobile: 0705986084
Presentationer under MILKAS-konferensen
1) |
Increased leukemias near nuclear power stations Dr Ian Fairlie
Consultant on Radiation in the Environment
London United Kingdom 31 sidor i pdf-format
2) |
Longer, hotter, dirtier-risks of increasing nuclear fuel burn-up Lauri Myllyvirta, energy campaigner, Finland Bild från presentationen 44 sidor i pdf-format
3) |
Nuclear future - weapons Bild från presentationen 7 sidor i pdf-format
4) |
Final Repository Morsleben (Germany) - A Collapsing Salt Mine in the Process of Closure Falk Beyers, Greenkids, Germany Bild från presentationen 1 sida i pdf-format
5) |
Nuclear Waste: The Unresolved Environmental Issue Johan Swan, MKG The Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review Bild från presentationen 19 sidor i pdf-format
6) |
David Lorwy, Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates(UK) Bild från presentationen 24 sidor i pdf-format
7) |
Véronique Marchandier, Réseau Sortir du nucléaire, France Bild från presentationen 2 sidor i pdf-format
Läs Lasse Karlssons blogg från konferensen
Thank you for a 'creative
conference' and beneficial weekend in Stockholm. We learned and were
encouraged by many contributions.
Realising both the 'insanity' of situation we are all trying to address
and the vested 'sold out' business's , politician's, governments,
cabal's etc i was happy to hear Professor Ian Fairlie refer to the
EU's 'Precautionary Principle'. I think this is one of the EU's most
important pieces of legalisation and have copied it below. I would urge
you to read and consider referring to it when appropriate.
Best wishes ~ Toby & Cheryl Hall.